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Banehallow - Lycanthrope

اذهب الى الأسفل

Banehallow - Lycanthrope Empty Banehallow - Lycanthrope

مُساهمة  Admin الأربعاء فبراير 23, 2011 10:03 am

Banehallow - Lycanthrope
Range: 100 | Move Speed: 305
Primary: STR
Str: 22 + 2.75 | Agi: 16 + 1.9 | Int: 15 + 1.55
Damage: 53 – 57 | HP: 568 | Mana: 195
HP Regen: 0.91 | Mana Regen: 0.61
Attack Speed: 0.68 | Armor: 1
Summon Wolves (V)
Summons 2 Spirit Wolves to fight the Lycanthrope's enemies. Wolves last for 55 seconds.
Level 1 - Summons 2 weak wolves.
Level 2 - Summons 2 wolves that have Critical Strike.
Level 3 - Summons 2 strong wolves that have Critical Strike.
Level 4 - Summons 2 very strong wolves that have Critical Strike and Permanent Invisibility.
• If wolves are summoned during the duration of Howl, they will receive the damage bonus until the duration is up.
• Critical Strike Multiplier is 1.7
Mana Cost: 125
Cooldown: 30 Seconds

Howl (W)
An eerie loud howl grants an inner strength to all player controlled units. Lasts for 12 seconds.
Level 1 - Adds 20 damage to heroes; 4 damage to units
Level 2 - Adds 30 damage to heroes; 8 damage to units
Level 3 - Adds 40 damage to heroes; 12 damage to units
Level 4 - Adds 50 damage to heroes; 16 damage to units
• Affects all allied player-controlled units, not just those under Lycanthrope's control.
Mana Cost: 15/20/25/30
Cooldown: 50/45/40/35
Feral Impulse (I)
Increases the attack damage and attack speed of the Lycanthrope and his units.
Level 1 - 15% damage increase, 15% attack speed increase.
Level 2 - 20% damage increase, 20% attack speed increase.
Level 3 - 25% damage increase, 25% attack speed increase.
Level 4 - 30% damage increase, 30% attack speed increase.
• Affects all units under the Lycanthrope's control, not just himself and his wolves.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Shapeshift (F)
A Full Moon curdles the blood of the Lycanthropy. He transforms into a Wolf with extra hit points, Critical Strike, and increased attack speed. This gives him and his units the ability to move at a constant maximum speed and not be slowed.
Level 1 - 100 bonus hit points, lasts 18 seconds.
Level 2 - 200 bonus hit points, lasts 18 seconds.
Level 3 - 300 bonus hit points, lasts 18 seconds.
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 100/70/40
• Cannot be slowed by any spell, including Purge.
• If hexed, Lycanthrope continues to move at maximum movespeed.
• Lycanthrope's collision size is lowered in this state.
• While in this state, Lycanthrope will have a Base Attack Time of 1.4 seconds.


Critical Strike

Description: Gives a 30% chance to deal 1.7 times your normal damage.


المساهمات : 117
تاريخ التسجيل : 06/02/2011


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